Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Work and labour, our feeling of worth, our dignity are undergoing disruption

 SEOF - 22.3.22 (Tuesday) - Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

9 hours ago — A prolific writer of poetry and treatises on spiritual rruners, Aurobindo began his ... such as M ata Amri- 1926. he formally established the Shri Aurobindo ...
16 hours ago — It was at this time, he gave over the work of the ashram and its sadhaks to the Mother, who was before called Mirra Alfassa.
17 hours ago — (Sri Aurobindo, CWSA, Vol. 7, p. 814). Travel that Educates: Example – Goa Beyond the Beaches. As a heritage travel curator, Ms. Shetye shed light on the ...
Day 2 in Auroville. After morning routine, it's off for a ride on my e-bike to a local farm stand at Terra Soul Farm with my friends Ragu and Usha.
YouTube · Risin Son · 2 hours ago


[PDF] Innovation and Enterprising Mindset with Integral Education

M Bhattacharjee - dƍƆƅƈ Ƌ 9 ƑƆ, 2022
… It is written on our ancient scriptures and reassured by Sri Aurobindo in the
Human Cycle that human race cannot attain anything profound and deep rooted by
brutally and mechanically. There is Divine reality in men and potentiality to find …


ZA Siddiqui
The ideology of the aesthetic mainly looks at the concept of the Aesthetic through
modern western philosophy, modern Indian philosophy and ideology. This area
moves through a multitude of philosophers using each to push the aesthetic to an …
by KD Verma1990Cited by 1 — As a prophet of Indian nationalism, Aurobindo occupies an important place in the history of Indian political thought.1 When we recall the early.
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1. Build micro-retirement / mid-life universities during the summer break - get older people to come back to uni to re-experience uni years (they take summer courses, stay at the dorms, make friends) 2. Travel and live in Auroville for a short period of time
Why having kids or not is one of the most important decision in your life... Having kids = sense of purpose + responsibility to pass down knowledge to next generation + fulfilment + joy + support system when you are older + company
5. Pay attention to new information: Our brains are quick to form strong first impressions. This means that our brains often underestimate the importance of new information. Stupidity often comes from overlooking crucial new information. Pay attention to it.
9/ My humble suggestion is that America's elites should pay attention to their own society, particularly their own left behind people, Black, White or Brown and their own poor regions. I joke that Bill Gates spends more time in UP than in Mississippi. Focus at home!
Gaining the Support of the Vital Being for the Sadhana Through the Joy of Creative Activity
I just uploaded “Gita Study Group 8.21-25.mp4” to #Vimeo:
New Episode! "Spirituality Transcends All Religions" This episode is also available as a blog post: sriaurobindostudies.wordpress.com/2022/03/15/spi Player links & show notes:
Tara Didi receives Padma Shri from President Ram Nath Kovind youtube.com/clip/UgkxT0teN
Meditations on Savitri, March 22, 2022 Tuesday. All things were brought back to their formless seed, The world was silent for a cyclic hour. Sri Aurobindo, 1994. Savitri. Puducherry: Sri Aurobindo Ashram, p. 322. instagram.com/p/CbY6vs9PMmo/
Bengal has no right to claim Sri Aurobindo as its own as he belongs to humanity. Plus, Bengal in general doesn't know who Sri Aurobindo is. Odisha, Gujarat n other places know Sri Aurobindo far better than the Bengali intelligentsia. Sarkari Sadhus can't help us. That was d point.
Opinions change with time. Our opinions shaped by education in school/college, media (newspapers, TV news), pop culture (cinema/TV) etc. Mostly we're fed by official narratives of state which are endorsed by media and intelligentsia. When we discover...
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...other side of the narratives by reading books, blogs & interacting in social media our opinions change. It's a natural process. It's not uncommon to see someone whose political views were inclined to Left 10 yrs ago is belong to RW today. This theory applies to common people.
But what about learned academicians, those who have better access to policy, who are familiar with ground realities, who belong to Left camp till yesterday, how come they change their stand overnight with change in guard in Delhi??
The politics of justice is not just about revenge or war. It is also about, and should be about, deeper understanding, reconciliation, peace and a justice that rises above animal logic. Redemption is superior to revenge.
They used to twist facts. Now they twist fiction. Because people love stories. Don't bore them with Excel sheets, Power Points & books with citations. Tell them family video tales crafted like 30-second ads with no shade of grey. Happiness, They Us. Enemy. Revenge. Dishoom.
Facts are not the problem. Truth is. Narrative is what comes in the middle. Like a torchlight, narrative has limits in capturing all sides and dimensions. It plays with the angle, adjusts the luminosity, distorts the colour with its own filters. It then claims to rewrite history
Morality is relative. It often depends on whose relative you are
Sri Aurobindo's writings predate establishment of RSS and CPI. Although he wrote on religious scriptures, his critique of tradition and superstition hasn't received adequate reception. He is, erroneously, clubbed with Vivekananda. Reading his works can open new vistas of thought.
Savitri Era Party aspires to be the most popular party of India when people voluntarily accept its independent ideology inspired by Sri Aurobindo. No hatred or bigotry; no repulsion from religion, SEP has the best recipe in the present circumstances. Let the old parties collapse.
A village is a synonym for poverty and deprivation but it's here that the highest knowledge of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo was given to me on a platter as it were at a tender age. None of my siblings retained it and most intellectuals around me are nonchalant about this privilege.
History of ideas in modern India and the place of Sri Aurobindo in it should be a very interesting book. Unfortunately young people are falling prey to defective narratives propagated by political parties. Mending these through factual and useful worldview is vital for the future.
If an institution named after Sri Aurobindo is not to someone's liking, then he might avoid Sri Aurobindo's philosophy too. Local factors play an important role in this respect. But one should try not to suffer from such bias and approach The Mother & Sri Aurobindo independently.
A simple Google search can lead one to loads of audio, video, and reading sources on Sri Aurobindo. What's needed is an iota of appreciation and curiosity. But most people are tied to the tradition and don't venture to look beyond it. Still technology can do wonders for diffusion.
Many are prisoners of ideology or narrative owing to money. They may be good at heart and appreciative of Sri Aurobindo but avoid referring to him due to career compulsions. Savitri Era Religion is also a repulsive factor but it is better to be open and upfront about the matter.
The way the East and the West got integrated by coming together of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo in March 1914 is pregnant. Hurdles in the path of human unity are sure to dissolve and tenets of politics will see a sea change. Beauty and harmony shall permeate all action and instinct.
Each ideological faction is investing money and intellect for pushing its agenda. Democracy tends to legitimise such exercise irrespective of moral or intellectual relevance. The followers of The Mother & Sri Aurobindo should take the advantage of his 150th birth anniversary year.
Just mentioning Sri Aurobindo's 150th birth anniversary year instead of the robotic practice of copy and paste can exhibit living interest and animated enthusiasm for spreading his message. Taking care of grammar, spelling, clarity of statement or cogent argument is important too.
Politics pervades all spheres of life and there is no escape from it. It is essential, therefore, to understand, minutely, the philosophy undergirding it. Universities teach the history of it but Sri Aurobindo outlines the philosophy of the future course that politics would take.
The colonial masters gifted us democracy but an aristocratic Prime Minister and his dynasty thwarted its efflorescence. The Mother & Sri Aurobindo dream of a society built on the principles of unity, mutuality, and harmony. Fraternity based on the spiritual unity of human beings.
Savitri Era Open Forum: Atheism and Hindutva fundamentalism are our two foes seof.blogspot.com/2022/03/atheis Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra Director, SELF President, SavitriEra Party & Founder SavitriEra Religion Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.
Authpur (West Bengal).

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