Friday, January 21, 2022

Auroville residents should be told to accept Indian citizenship

SRI AUROBINDO I କିଏ ଏଇ ମା (ଆଲୋଚକ:-ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ ଅପା). 2 views2 views. Jan 20, 2022. 1. Dislike. Share. Save. Mira Education(Sandip).
YouTube · Mira Education(Sandip) · 16 hours ago
13 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo Ashram | Individual Meditation, . Savitri Bk VII.
14 hours ago — Sri Aurobindo (born Aurobindo Ghose; 15 August 1872 – 5 December 1950) was an Indian philosopher, yoga guru, maharishi, poet, and Indian nationalist.
13 hours ago — The Foundations of Indian Culture And the Renaissance in India - By Sri Aurobindo POST 31 The Renaissance in India - III While we recommend you read the ...
"RELATION BETWEEN THE DIVINE MOTHER & HER CHILDREN " - Words of Sri Aurobindo. 1 view1 view ...
YouTube · Mother and Sri Aurobindo · 10 hours ago
19 hours ago — ... Ramakrishan Paramahansa, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo and not Hindutva which was invoked to kill innocent people in that State.
16 hours ago — One of the greatest thinkers of the 20th century, Sri Aurobindo, once remarked that the power of money had long been held (and trapped) in degenerated hands ...
13 hours ago — By Sri Aurobindo on 19/01/2022. Reason is not the supreme light but, yet, is it always a necessary light-bringer. Until it has been given its rights and ...
6 hours ago — The Madras high court on Thursday refused to entertain a plea alleging encroachment of government land by Puducherry-based Auroville Foundation.
17 hours ago — Light in Every Grains of Sand is a music composed by Atomic Phantom, a Japanese artist resides in Auroville, South India. Sample Courtesy of Sun Ra motion ...
11 hours ago — A blueprint based on 'sacred geometry' was designed to build Auroville, a perfect city of unity. But 50 years on the Galaxy Plan has created anger and ...
So the propaganda started to conceal the big clashes recently started between the politicised Trust/Mgmt goondas & the multinational members in Auroville Township. What is the outcome of the mediation done by TN Gov & Pdy Lt. Gov. earlier this week?
Liked on YouTube: Auroville And The Crown Road Project - Conflict in Paradise [Auroville,India]
Lovely place it is, but the problem is like Gov passes road in between the forest of Auroville, gov should find an alternative route don't spoil the beauty.
Tolerance is born out of a simple understanding that what appears right to us may be wrong. That reduces our reckless energy, broadens our mind slowly, and makes us understand our own self as just a bundle of perceptions.
Please read Human Cycle by Sri Aurobindo. It gives a vision to understand the grand process involved in the evolution of the countries and the societies.
We respect Indian writers writing in English. Some are excellent. That doesn't mean you will try to erase one of the greatest writers of English prose, in case you don't appreciate his poetry. #sriaurobindo Why didn't your editors check what wrote?
Replying to
Problem is JU is including Manmohan Ghose in syllabus as a representative poet in place of Sri Aurobindo. D new generation won't read Sri Aurobindo's Plays,poems, Short Stories n that awesome prose! Sri Aurobindo's Early love sonnets, probly addressed to his wife, are gems!
Check out my latest share: The Foundations of Indian Culture And the Renaissance in India - By Sri Aurobindo | POST 32. A great summary of all the posts to date. via
Auroville is an anomaly from the legal angle and needs to be set right. Residents should be told to accept Indian citizenship or make alternative arrangements. Govt. should vacate the place and let The Mother's Devotees manage the temple of the new religion and its surroundings.
Democracy is about voice but the Ashram imposes silence. The world is running after visibility but The Mother's Devotees hide behind unassumingness. The slogan is spirituality but many institutions have become pockets of corruption and nepotism. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
Political philosophy or theory in fact has nothing much to do with philosophy. Rather it distorts one's philosophical sense of wonder. Most professors in India are Marxists and their political ideology blunts the chance of philosophical output. English literature too is a victim.
Three philosophers from varied fields with Indian sounding names are George Santayana (1863 – 1952), A. J. Ayer, (1910 – 1989), and Roy Bhaskar (1944–2014). I had the chance to listen to a lecture by Bhaskar in Delhi. Also a speech by Derrida a decade earlier, without following.
In his The Genesis of a Philosophical Poem: Sri Aurobindo, World Literature and the Writing of Savitri, Richard Hartz recounts how George Santayana estimated Lucretius, Dante and Goethe. Ulrich Mohrhoff quotes Gilbert Ryle in his The small matter of matter
The Mother & Sri Aurobindo gave a well-knit philosophy and a sunlit path for spiritual seeking "of happy reliance and glad submission to the Divine." Not only they rectified myriad errors of the past but also cut through the clutter of their contemporaries
Right orientation in Sri Aurobindo's school of thought isn't easy as his books deal with different themes. Many scholars take the lazy route of focussing on a specific aspect and leave it at that. Unfortunately, those who are well-read, don't write much. YouTube speakers mushroom
Savitri Era Open Forum: Faith is essential; aspiring for the Savitri era is our pursuit Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra @ #SavitriEra Party, Savitri Era Religion, & Savitri Era Learning Forum. Savitri Era of those who adore, Om Sri Aurobindo & The Mother.

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