April 4th: Sri
Aurobindo arrives in Pondichery « Lab of Evolution Pondichery 06 APR 2012 by Bhaga
It is on April 4th, 1910, that Sri Aurobindo,
after one month of hiding in a French territory, Chandernagor, near Calcutta , arrived in the
other French territory the Divine had arranged as the permanent refuge from the
British, where he could henceforth do his inner work for the world: Pondichery…
As for ‘Pondy’, as it came later to be commonly
called, the coming of Sri Aurobindo gave it a new life and a new importance,
putting it on the map of the places where the light of the Spirit was
especially shining, in this case showing the way to the evolutive future of humanity
and of the Earth as a whole.
Conversely, it was in Pondy that Sri Aurobindo himself started to read the Veda, and discovered at last in it the description and explanation of some very special experiences he was having, that he had not found mentioned in any other spiritual text: in the Veda only the presence of the Divine in Matter itself was revealed, he found, indicating the possible unveiling of it and re-divinization of Matter just as of the other parts of our being, The crucial difference was that for the awakening of Matter nothing but the power of the Supramental Consciousness could do it, not in the diluted form under which some of it reaches the terrestrial plane, but in its original highly intense vibratory frequency, straight from its own supreme regions, that Sri Aurobindo’s consciousness happened to have already reached before. kkk
Conversely, it was in Pondy that Sri Aurobindo himself started to read the Veda, and discovered at last in it the description and explanation of some very special experiences he was having, that he had not found mentioned in any other spiritual text: in the Veda only the presence of the Divine in Matter itself was revealed, he found, indicating the possible unveiling of it and re-divinization of Matter just as of the other parts of our being, The crucial difference was that for the awakening of Matter nothing but the power of the Supramental Consciousness could do it, not in the diluted form under which some of it reaches the terrestrial plane, but in its original highly intense vibratory frequency, straight from its own supreme regions, that Sri Aurobindo’s consciousness happened to have already reached before.
This Yoga of Sri Aurobindo is a revolution |
Motherland - Prayers of ... ublié le 5 avril 2012 par Anita Guha Roy This Yoga of Sri
Aurobindo is a spiritual revolution
‘The Synthesis of Yoga’ will be a wonderful lifelong friend. You will find in
it almost everything connected with the yoga of the Mother and Sri Aurobindo.
One day, the future generations will recognise in them the most beautiful and
forceful English ever written. ‘Savitri’ is the epic story of the aspiring
human soul step by step rising to the Divinity. Messages in this topic (1)
American historian in
trouble over a book on Sri Aurobindo he wrote 4 years ago, makes a public
appeal after he is told to leave India 5 Apr 2012, 2104 hrs IST
If you are, say, a Christian, wouldn't you want to
know everything about Jesus Christ? You probably would, but the Church doesn't
want you to. It wants you to accept and endorse the official narrative sanctioned by the
Church. What is happening here is an attempt to establish an Aurobindonian
religion. If you write something that does not conform to the official
narrative of the Aurobindonian
Church you are a heretic.
This is the greatest possible travesty of all that Sri Aurobindo stands for.
200,000 hurt devotees
in Orissa? Assuming they all know English, how did they read the book if it’s
banned in Orissa?
Tweets Sagarika Ghose @sagarikaghose Utterly
tragic that groups are not letting Lives Of Sri Aurobindo be
published in India ...
Heehs shd be celebrated not hounded 12:53 PM
- 6 Apr 12 'The Lives Of Sri Aurobindo' by Peter Heehs. A must
read for anyone who wants to know more about an exceptional life.. abs
brilliant book 12:51 PM - 6 Apr 12 Aurobindo's
dilemmas about West and East remain greatly relevant in a globalising world.. so
much to learn from Heehs biography.. 12:55
PM - 6 Apr 12 Every fact scrupulously footnoted, every assertion researched,
Heehs book is the product of a lifetime's work.. breathtaking 12:52 PM - 6 Apr 12 via web · Sandip Ghose @SandipGhose - @sagarikaghose So if one
"Ghose" (Sagarika) is endorsing another "Ghose" (#Aurobindo)
- we must take note of it. @gchikermane
1:07 PM - 6 Apr 12 vicky @193vicky Sri Aurobindo had
an indian mind while his whole education was of west. When he started spiritual
life he was in dialema @sagarikaghose
1:36 PM - 6 Apr 12 Ramesh @netargument Peter Heehs shown
the door by Gov of India, for Scandalous writing. Laine was similar. Jaffrelot,
Russell are no better. 10:01 AM - 6 Apr 12 Gautam Chikermane @gchikermane Respects
to Jairam Ramesh for his unrelenting liberalism and support to Peter Heehs,
whose exit from India
would be a huge loss to us. 10:38 AM - 5 Apr
12 Mihir Jha @MihirKumarJha @sagarikaghose a devotee of
Peter Heehs, The Traitor, asks if there is any Sri Aurobindo fans on
Twitter. Yes Madam, tell me. :56 PM - 6 Apr 12
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