Thursday, March 29, 2012

Deleuze in Delhi, Shankara in San Francisco

The Philosophy Reading Group commences next week. And this time we read Deleuze! Here are the course details: COURSE: A Deleuzian Century, was it? [Every Tuesday (starting 3 April 2012), 2.30 pm]
Michel Foucault, in the Theatrum Philosophicum prophesized that ‘one day, perhaps, this century will be called Deleuzian’. Why might that be! READINGS:
1. Michel Foucault, Theatrum Philosophicum
2. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, ‘Introduction: Rhizome’, A Thousand Plateaus
3. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, selections from, Kafka: Towards a Minor Literature
4. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, selections from What is Philosophy?
5. Gilles Deleuze, selections from The Logic of Sense
6. Gilles Deleuze & Félix Guattari, selections from Anti-Oedipus
7. Gilles Deleuze, ‘Introduction: Repetition and Difference’, Difference and Repetition
Those interested, please email me at to confirm your participation. Posted by Silika Mohapatra at 8:53 PM 

I’ll be in dialogue with a friend and colleague at CIIS, James Barnes, this Friday. We will be discussing the convergences and divergences in the thoughts of Schelling and Shankara. To what extent were both after a nondual philosophy? I’ll argue that Schelling ends up affirming a trinitarian view of Godhead that preserves differentiation (though still a differentiation-in-unity) for the sake of freedom and love, whereas more strictly nondual systems like Advaita Vedanta leave us having to deny these as, at best, relative possibilities, and at worst, falsehoods. 

Steven Shaviro, Wayne State University -  Yesterday 8:52 PM  - Jerry Lewis writes:
"Comedy, humor, call it what you may, is often the difference between sanity and insanity, survival and disaster, even death. It's man's emotional safety valve. If it wasn't for humor, man could not survive emotionally. Peoples who have the ability to laugh at themselves are the peoples who eventually make it. Blacks and Jews have the greatest sense of humor simply because their safety valves have been open so long."

The American Soul Rush: Esalen and the Rise of Spiritual Privilege - Page 30 Marion S. Goldman - 2011 - Preview Although his integral philosophy described human beings in a transitional phase, Aurobindo believed that their personal ... 
When people prostrated themselves before the marble plinth on top of Aurobindo's tomb, he cringed. Later, at Esalen, Michael remembered both Spiegelberg's positive lessons and the ashram's negative ones. He and Dick consistently ...

from: Craig Calhoun cc: Jonathan VanAntwerpen date: 29 March 2008 07:55 subject: Re: A Secular Age, featuring Charles Taylor and Michael Warner Dear Mr Mohapatra
Thanks for your message. You are right that the Immanent Frame is more focused on Western Christianity. This reflects partly how it started in relation to Charles Taylor's book. But I hope - and I am sure Jonathan VanAntwepen agrees - that it will grow with more contributions from other orientations.
And of course Sri Aurobindo is indeed a very interesting thinker to consider in that regard. I am copying Jonathan so he has your message. With all best wishes, Craig Calhoun 3:55 AM

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