Monday, August 6, 2012

The navel, the novel, and the end of Anna dream

Tweets 2h - Savitri Era Party @SavitriEraParty [unlike JP's abstract Total Revolution, Team Anna has a concrete draft for an effective legislation. V. KRISHNA ANANTH] …
[5 Aug - jagdish shetty @jagdishshetty - @sivashiv if that happens then Dr Swamy will be fully vindicated on Team Anna, as he openly said they were "under with Naxal influence " Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation]
[2 Aug - Tushar A. Gandhi @TusharG - @ashutoshmechy I love Ramdev's Comedy Circus so much entertainment. They should get Archana Puran Singh to Laugh her maniac cackle. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation]
[2 Aug - Anirban Roy @AnirbanFromRLF Dark phase of Indian History ends. #JanLokpal Movement of #Anna Dies. Indians give fitting reply to those who undermined their intellect. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party]
[28 Jun - Chandrahas Choudhury @Hashestweets Burke's love of gradation, antithesis, is a milestone in the history of political thought, but also in the history of English prose style. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party]
[1 Jul - Chandrahas Choudhury @Hashestweets The navel, yogic thought has long held, is the centre of the consciousness, and it is therefore central to any Indian poetics of fiction. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party]
[1 Jul - Chandrahas Choudhury @Hashestweets How the novel loved to play with time! Whole years passed in a single precise sentence, while the events of a day filled up an entire book. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party]
[31 Jul - Chandrahas Choudhury @Hashestweets The American presidency is designed to disappoint. Each candidate must promise things beyond his power to deliver.  Retweeted by Savitri Era Party]
[22 Aug 2011 - chandra bhan prasad @cbhanp - @cbhanp @httweets Team Anna is the Urban edition of Khap Panchyats. They listen to none, and obey no authority. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation]
[3 Aug - Atanu Dey @atanudey - I guess Anna claims that he's above politics & too high & mighty to descend to that level. I have news for him: It's all politics. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
3h - [Revolution that Kejriwal talks about isn’t for the likes of you and me. We have made our compromises. @smithaprakash … - 3h - [Revolution is dream of the young. Till middle age & its baggage of compromises, responsibilities & truths of life hits you.@smithaprakash] 
4hkiran patnaik @kiran_patniak चिंगारी: अन्ना आन्दोलन की आत्म-आलोचना … Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
23h - @kiran_patniak Now that the Team has gone political, it's better to adopt political instinct and avoid public criticism.  View conversation
22h - kiran patnaik @kiran_patniak - @SavitriEraParty ये तानाशाह आन्दोलन नहीं. अगर कभी कोई दल बना भी तो उस दल में एक पूरी स्वस्थ जनतांत्रिक प्रक्रिया होगी. आत्म-आलोचना जरुरी. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation
2 Aug - Devinder Sharma @Devinder_Sharma Team Anna's decision will impact country's major social movements. Govt will ignore them and tell them to also form a political party. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2 AugSandeep Web @SandeepWeb 2. Team Anna doesn't even have a clear, cohesive roadmap for anything. how do we rely on them? Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2 Aug - Prasanna Viswanathan @prasannavishy For the record i do admire kind of work section of communist movement has done for Dalit emancipation/temple entry movement in TN Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2 Aug - Devinder Sharma @Devinder_Sharma Not sure if Team Anna's decision to form a political party is right. I wish we had discussed this at length within the Core Committee. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party
2 Aug - kiran patnaik @kiran_patniak @SavitriEraParty @anku6 @KiranKS ये कोई जवाब नहीं. आप अब बचने की कोशिश में. जो स्पष्ट सलाह नहीं दे रहे, वे अन्ना की आलोचना कैसे कर सकते!! Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation
2 Aug - kiran patnaik @kiran_patniak - @SavitriEraParty @anku6 @KiranKS हे हे हे .. तो आप बताएं कि अन्ना आन्दोलन क्या करे? ठोस सुझाव दें. सिर्फ भड़ास नहीं. Retweeted by Savitri Era Party -  View conversation
2 Aug - Nitin Pai @acorn Do those who lionised Anna & Co last year because they thought it would hurt the Congress have the honesty to admit they were wrong? Retweeted by Savitri Era Party

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