Sunday, July 14, 2024

Tripuradahana belongs to an inner liminal node

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Here's a quick one before a comp. response. Take Tripuradahana. Here historic interpretation is wrong; shows deep colonial imprint. 'Cos u r also a wonderful Sri Aurobindo scholar, u can easily understand  Tripuradahana belongs to an inner liminal node not deep-historic memory.


these 3, their thought, their work- is the single most effective solution to literally everything that ails current “hindu” society, which is a lot.

Read their work, you will understand it all. 

Advaita-Veda-Vedanta-Arya Samaj.

Yes - Vivekananda and Aurobindo are best understood as Rashtra Rishis.

Whose thoughts should serve as a foundation for the making of India, not just for the freedom movement, but also for the present and future.

Aurobindo Ghosh gave 200 rupees (a lot of money back then) to the revolutionaries so they can go to East Bengal to help Hs there(while local landlords sat on their asses quietly).

After saving the Hs of Mymensingh, the revolutionaries of Atmonnati Samiti went to Comilla & saved the Hs there too.

After that they initiated Suhrid Samiti of Mymensingh into revolutionary nationalism.

No one wants to discuss these things (since they were Kolkata natives).

You have to rely on archeology, in the last 60 year no one has written a good book on Bengal history. 

Communist historians were busy rewriting history. 

Nah, Kayasthas are an ancient community. Individually some may hv converted to Buddhism but the whole community never did.

V D Savarkar was a small leader then. So was Gandhi. Both were non consequential at that time. Bipin Chandra Pal, Sri Aurobindo and Tilak (and Lala Lajapati Rai in Punjab) led the agitations. Primarily it was a Bengal thing with Sri Aurobindo and Bipin Chander Pal.

This heroic sacrificial stance of Baji Prabhu has been immortalised by Sri Aurobindo in his narrative poem. 

Read it aloud with the intonations and you are sure to get goosebumps. This is a fine poetry to read with high school / college kids too.… 

Beyond the (apparent) 'real politik' is the manifestation and evolution of the sacred in matter through time that Sri Aurobindo talks about in 'The Human Cycle'.

Liberal/Conservative does not matter in that sphere as we reach planetary boundaries.

The frame is Dharma/Adharma

Hindu intellectuals should read some of the Western non-mainstreamm politrical philosophy thinkers if not the planetary  ones.

This is a good one.

A good book to read.

Much before Woke, elite Conservatives were always at the helm.

In fact the whole intellectual basis fir Woke was a result of cold war actions that led to New Left and  that was bi partisan.

Please also read Sri Aurobindo's 'The Human Cycle'.

I do agree with you on a global banking powercenter fetish for CBDC. That financial controls would be the first target of a globalist government was predicted by Sri Aurobindo over 100 yrs ago. His book The Human Cycle is still unsurpassed (and equally under appreciated) here. @TheNavroopSingh I have read your book. You may find more insights here on Sri Aurobindo's warnings agains the world state and his prescient his reasoning is even after a century:

Illuminating for anyone interested in this topic.

To me its one of the most profound books of the last 500 years but unlike Einstein's Relativity or Darwin's Origin of Species not yet discovered by humanity. 

It can fundamentally redefine all of social studies - political science, sociology, anthropology, economics, etc.

I ran into Prof @MakrandParanspe at a Vedic conf in Bangalore by SAKSHI trust a few months back. He said SA's Secret of the Veda to be the most profound book of the millennia as it has seeds for a new Linguistics, Philology, Vedic studies, etc. I felt this book is on par..

Indian social commentators fail to see that India was late to enter the age of individualism and subjectivity. So joint families which required someone to always sacrifice their individuality just won't work in this era. 

True harmony only when we enter spiritual era.

This is not only due to western influence, but a necessary stage in human evolution. Other old things that will be discarded / impacted are hereditary businesses, castes, ritualistic lifestyles, anything that relies on subjugating someone (women or workers). WAKE UP. 

The good of the old world will be swept along with its bad. This is necessary so that a new creation based on higher consciousness can emerge. 

PS: All shastras based on old world will be discarded.

Only some eternal shastras such as Vedas, Upanishads, Gita will be reinterpreted in their eternal light and will continue to guide humanity. Most of the other dharma shastras will be relegated to being historic relics.

This is the reason I keep calling out even the highly renowned acharyas such as paramacharya who cling to the past. Some of their followers represent best of our society and I feel they are not guided properly to tackle this impending mega transformation that is inevitable.

Some have blocked me for this as they though I am speaking out against their "walking God" or Maha Sannidanam. 

If one gets to know a hard Truth, it's their duty to warn their brethren to be better prepared. But very few listen. 

I can only pray and leave it to Her.

I understand what you are saying. I was not talking about the hypocritical trads who are religious to a fault but not at all spiritual. I was referring to the good ones who are confused 'coz their paramacharya who they think is god stood by every obsolete injunction in shastras.

Because of cyclical logic. If you dismantle Manusmriti (vast majority of the text is still good with a small portion condemnable), you dismantle Manusmriti and all other puranas and shastras that praise Manu lose their heavenly status. In cyclical logic, it's either all or none.

3. Evolve a vaster understanding of Vedanta and Shastras from the modern day spiritual giants like Sri Ramakrishna / Sri Aurobindo. Their words are dharma  shastras.

4. Become more selfless and serve the poor. 

All d above applies to everyone, not just those of brahmin caste.

Current day understanding of darmashastras is perverted and highly discriminatory as Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo observed. Even the smritis available are full of interpolations and modifications. Women wore Juneau in ancient days and performed yagna and learnt vedas.

The Puri fellow was spouting ignorant nonsense in the name of dharma. His literal and casteist interpretation of dharma shastras has been rejected by many Spiritual stalwarts from Swami Vivekananda to Sri Aurobindo before him he is a nobody.

Again, you are continuing with your narrow understanding. These dharmashastras are temporal. They were NEVER considered eternal truth. They were always meant to evolve with growth in consciousness. They are asking to constitution or personal conduct guide book, loosely speaking. may not encourage it but acknowledges it though. And mainstream islam as practised has embraced the occult. The recitation of specific Quranic verses specific number of times for particular result (akin to mantra prayoga) is occult too and compliant with Islamic code.

The Isha Yoga centre domes (no concrete) were designed and first built by folks from Auroville Earth Institute. Not many know it.

Enjoyed the conversation.

The struggle in having this dialogue without the epistemology tells us why we need Indian Knowledge Systems as a basis.

On the part of Evolution Ashish, you might like this bit 

Ram ji explaining the Sri Aurobindo perspective.

Two notable book-length narratives:

1. W.S. Merwin, THE FOLDING CLIFFS: A Narrative

2. Sri Aurobindo, SAVITRI: A Legend & a Symbol


Also from Merwin, his longish poem "East of the Sun and West of the Moon" (included in Green with Beasts & in The First Four Books volume & other collections) is an exceptional retelling of the Cupid & Psyche myth, via a Northern European folktale.

This is very true as well. Aurobindo spoke many times about "silence" and considered it the coming on, or the possession of a higher state of being. Really, it's a coming to rest, and learning to surrender to rest without the hustle and bustle of the modern world dragging your energy away.

J Sai Deepak latest, he explains that why history is important and without history there is no identity. He also talks about how untruth is propagated as history which results in defeatist mindset and how this fake history is used to divide people. He talks about why it is important to bust the myth of Aryan Invasion Theory, how history is used to divide Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, that illegal immigration in India might lead to another partition.

He rightly says that don’t leave to the scholars as we know how history the Indian education system propagates untruth in the name of history.

He rightly pointed out that Europe suffers from lack of identity and historical sense. You need to understand the value of history and then focus on facts. A very interesting and powerful talk by J Sai Deepak.

Credit : Buddhi

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