Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Don't promote Auroville for tourism

 Collated by Tusar Nath Mohapatra

Each issue of Auroville Today brings a smile and a wow moment. Reminded of the words of Pravir Malik, an expert on Quantum Commuting some 25 years ago, 'I dare not imagine how high Auroville will rise (in the world).'

Auroville Today: May Issue 418: mailchi.mp/0e23998024d6/a


For sustainable development -online qualitative and quantitative monitoring. Exciting times ahead with Auroville to leverage these exciting opportunities. (2/3)

#Auroville #CDAC #MoU #MoUSigningCeremony @cdacindia


Great. There should be a sizable area - something like 100 acres - in or near Auroville where the latest technological developments in diverse fields are presented,  updated and their convergence facilitated.

The  idea was developed by Shally Palmar in a non- Auroville context.


Cities of the future need to integrate ecological systems seamlessly with urban development. 

What technologies or design strategies do you think are crucial for sustainable urban growth? 

 #SustainableCities #UrbanEcology #Auroville


A serene, futuristic city where nature and architecture harmoniously merge. Inspired by the Matrimandir in Auroville, a golden dome is surrounded by lush greenery and winding pathways, blending technology and the natural environment into a tranquil urban landscape. #SustainableDesign #FuturisticCity


True. She may b an instrument for now. But one is very worried about the precedent set by govt interfering into Auroville rather than Aurovillians organically evolving it into what it aspires to b with d inner Guidance and Grace  of the unseen Hand. Govt bureaucracy never leaves.

Hope you don't misunderstand me, sir. I am supportive of what Smt. Jayanti is doing now. It's much needed today. But worried for the long term. Once govt bureaucracy enters, it never leaves and one doesn't have many good things to say abt bureaucracy. A long term danger, imho.

Thanks for the info. I hope she stays for a while, cleans up Auroville and puts in place protection against such elements and then empower the Auroville community as a whole. For the *long term*, we would prefer for ministry to be there when needed but remain at arms distance.


Auroville is not meant to be a tourist attraction. See the message from its Founder attached. So, please don't promote Auroville for tourism. The image of Matrimandir, Auroville you have posted is fake, remove it.


“The experimental township of Auroville was founded 50 years ago in Tamil Nadu with an eco-utopian vision that promised to reinstate faith in humanity. But its history has been fraught with accusations of corruption and infighting” ⁦@gaachburi⁩


Dear Gary. Do look to India for inspiration. Auroville was developed on a similar land and although it does have a spiritual element, the ethos was sustainable living, growing own food and community living, they also support local arts in the centre..India has this and many such


Wrote a blog about my experience in Matri Mandir, Auroville, Pondicherry. Go check it out!!!


Mrinalini Devi and Sri Aurobindo मृणालिनी देवी और श्री अरविन्द - सुश्री ... youtu.be/IFVaH233m48?si… via @YouTube


Sri Aurobindo on the four cognitive methods of Nature



Didn't know that Monika Halan is Sri Aurobindo ' s follower ... interesting conversation. ...


Taleb uses legendary Italian writer Umberto Eco’s uncommon relationship with books and reading as a parable of the most fruitful relationship with knowledge: [...] 

Noting that his Black Swan theory centers on “our misunderstanding of the likelihood of surprises” because we underestimate the value of what we don’t know and take what we do know “a little too seriously,” Taleb envisions the perfect dancer in the tango with knowledge:


This is how clickbait journalism works. Do you think this person doesn’t have a mirror at home? The entire story is written deliberately to evoke 

responses like ‘hey, it is not your caste, it is you’. This is EXACTLY what Manisha Mondal WANTS! 


More Power to Manisha Mondal from The Print and congratulations on her article “Being Dalit on a dating app”. All this vile trolling on social media only goes on to further prove the might of her pen and that she has rattled the entire ecosystem. Bull’s eye!


ThePrint takes note of the vile, casteist comments targeted at our photojournalist Manisha Mondal. They are sexist, objectionable, often bordering on criminality. Their attacks also put our reporter at risk. We are making a record of this. If the behaviour continues, we will report the handles


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