Saturday, April 28, 2007

Avatarhood is a fact as solid as belonging to the Newtonian physics

Re: 09: Her Mortal Birth by RY Deshpande on Fri 27 Apr 2007 09:29 AM PDT Profile Permanent Link His was a spirit that stooped from larger spheres
We may, en passant, briefly look into the discussion about the necessity of an Avatar in furthering human evolution. There are strong reservations, and they are quite understandable, in accepting anyone as an Avatar; in fact, it will be disingenuous to impose such a belief or notion or concept or hypothesis on anybody who has no necessity for it. But can neither the argument in this context be in terms of Avatarhood representing “a symbolic break in the structures of avidya”. These are all points of view which can be argued, and argued without an end, in the manner of mediaeval theologies, with one or the other exclusive type of metaphysical consideration; their acceptance or rejection could then simply be a matter of one’s preferences and predilections, one’s fondness for things, and perhaps nothing more than that.
But the truth of the matter lies elsewhere. Avatarhood is not just a concept or a view or an opinion; it is not just an attitude or a belief. It belongs to another domain of empiricism. It is a fact in the occult-spiritual world, a fact as solid as belonging to the Newtonian physics; it is an irrefutable empirical truth, if one would like to say that way, but that empiricism belonging to the spiritual. It will be a different matter if that empiricism is not accessible to a certain type of thinking, but that thinking, if it is true to itself, cannot dismiss such a possibility of its existence. Its veracity has to be seen in some other manner. Our dilemma is: we might, in the most favourable situations, concede the factuality of such empiricism and its conclusions, accept its statements; but we do not have means to put it to test. But our lack of means cannot discredit its existence. What we have therefore to examine is, the process, the technique of verification, and if that can be acquired, mastered. Avatarhood belongs to the realm of the occult-spiritual, which implies that we ought to employ methods of investigation that fall in the domain of operation of the occult-spiritual. The tools and techniques of cognition of the occult-spiritual will therefore have to be first acquired before one can opine anything on its conclusion.
In the meanwhile, however, we might go by the savants—the spiritual savants as we go by the savants of science in the rational empiricism—who have explored those domains and brought their knowledge to us. If we are unable to verify that knowledge, it will be our fault; it will be a reflection on us and not on their findings. The question “whether engaging with the public sphere of philosophy with individual internal validation during trans-personal development” one should share this knowledge with others is another matter. Nevertheless, with it if there is a possibility of a ray of intuition slipping into our darkness, of whatever sort that darkness be, it could then be gainfully promoted—of course without any imposition of any kind on anybody. It is that ray of intuition which perhaps can bring to us the real direction in promoting our “human potentials”, in shaping post-human destinies. In fact, how can such a possibility be ruled out if there is no contrary theory opposing it, a theory based on acceptable empiricism? That could be the merit of putting forward such a point of view in the public sphere, particularly if the public is alert and receptive. That is the hope.
It seems that things fall better in their places with the concept of Avatarhood than without it. After all, evolution is not simply the playing back of the process of involution. There are in it new challenges at every stage and there are new surprises—surprises for which we should be really thankful. Imagine how dull the whole process would have been otherwise. RYD

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