Monday, February 5, 2007

Those who want the highest teaching of all, this is the place to go

I work on the "Aurocentric" hypothesis... m alan kazlev
Transhumanism is a subculture that is physicalist and visionary and head-centered with a religiously millennialist approach, but they do get the science right. There is a lot of overlap with since fiction, visionary elements in IT, certain elements in geek culture, etc...
Finally, the very small Integral Yoga (Sri Aurobindo & The Mother) movement is head and heart both, based on a very powerful spiritual path, but tends not to mix with other groups. But those who want the highest teaching of all (okay I'm biased!) this is the place to go...
I won't go into the details of relating and integrating Vianna's cosmology with that of Theosophy, Theon, Sri Aurobindo, Muktananda, etc. This is better addressed in my books. There is the same basic sequence of physical, subtle/astral, causal/mental, etc, with the Divine supporting all...
But I am working with the hypothesis that Theta Healing works from an aspect of the Supramental; the Supramental being first brought down to Earth and into the physical consciousness by Mirra (The Mother) in 1956. As explained in Mother's Agenda Vol.1, p.69: FIRST SUPRAMENTAL MANIFESTATION (During the common meditation on Wednesday The 29th February 1956)...
I work on the "Aurocentric" hypothesis that event was the turning point of the transformation of the Earth. Everything that has happened since, the Counterculture (1960s), New Age movement (1970s onwards), the Great Turning (as defined by Joanna Macy & - building upon her thesis - David Korten, 1960s to present and ongoing), Harmonic Convergence (New Age metaphor - very big in the late 1980s, now forgotten), Photon Belt (ditto), Twelve Strand DNA (New Age materialistic metaphoric reference to awakening of subtle body in late 1990s-early 2000s, now not often mentioned), etc etc are further events on the gross and subtle levels relating to that.
Theta Healing I would envisage as one more. This might seem surprising in view of the fact that Vianna's underlying cosmology seems to be New Age Judaeo-Christian with some Amerindian reference, but that's just the external thoughtform. It's on the level beyond thoughts and thoughtforms and structures that changes take place. So one should be careful not to be misled by thoughtforms and dogmas and collective beliefs associated with them...
The Big Picture cannot be just an intellectual and theoretical synthesis, as in the books of Ken Wilber, valuable as they may be in showing that such a synthesis is possible (as long as one is careful to avoid making the synthesis too inflexible or intellectual in structure). It has to be a practical synthesis, of all these principles working together, as they do as aspects and manifestations of the one underlying Divine Cause (which I interpret as mentioned above by The Mother's description of the descent of the Supramental).
In this way, transformation and healing of the world is a work of both individual and collective yoga, requiring constant practice. The more one practices, the more one achieves and the stronger one becomes. posted by m alan kazlev at 7:18 PM

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