Friday, January 26, 2007

Possible relationships between the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and modern theories in physics

Sri Aurobindo & Hyperspace, by Garry Jacobs
by rjon on January 25, 2007 01:59PM (PST)
Fascinating musings by Garry Jacobs of the Mother's Service Society, on possible relationships between the philosophy of Sri Aurobindo and modern theories in physics as presented by Michio Kaku in his book Hyperspace. 1. The Special Theory of Relativity views time as a dimension. It finds that space and time are interchangeable. They can rotate into each other in a mathematically precise way. Reality is space-time. Is there any sense in which Sri Aurobindo would view space and time as a single reality?
According to him, all reality resides in and issues from the Absolute. By a process of Self-conception, the Absolute manifests Being/Existence (Sat) and all that issues from it. The principle of time emerges when Being extends itself subjectively to become Consciousness-Force (Chit). The principle of space emerges when Being extends itself objectively to become an object to its own Self-Conscious experience. Space and time are different expressions of the same reality. ... more » Leave Comment Permanent Link

1 comment:

  1. The preliminary comments on the main Page of SCIY often appear in italics making it difficult to read. Further, as they are left out in the Article Page bearing Permanent link, the reader misses them.
